Permutations Learning Via Role Playing

E.I Pusta Siligar, Somakim Somakim, Hapizah Hapizah


This research was aimed at producing a learning trajectory, which could help the students to understand the concept of permutations study via role playing activity in the election of chairman and vice-chairman of Intra School Students Organization. The design of this research was Indonesia’s Realistic Mathematics Education approach. The sample of this reasearch were 36 students of the tenth grade of Senior High School No 15 Palembang. The data were obtained from observations, recorded vedeos, photos, students’ sheet activities, and field documentations. The result of this research showed that the learning trajectory could help the students to understand the concept of permutations study. By using role playing activity, the students have determined the administrative committee of chairman and vice-chairman election of Intra School Students Organization from 2, 3, 4, and 5 candidates, which will enable them to choose the number of formed groups arrangement, and to help them in understanding the concept of permutaions from that election.


permutations; role playing; Intra School Students Organization; Indonesia’s Realistic Mathematics Education Approach

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