The Teaching Material Development of Problem Based Learning: Improving students' civic knowledge

Tita Wulandari, Suharno Suharno, Triyanto Triyanto


The purpose of this research is to know the teaching material condition in classes and the need of PBL-based on civic education; to know the development of PBL-based civic education; to know the effectiveness of PBL-based civic education for fourth-grade students of elementary school as textbooks to improve students’ civic knowledge. This book is written based on PBL syntax as a student learning activity. The method of this research uses Borg and Gall techniques modified by Sukmadinata which consists of three namely preliminary study, product development, and product effectiveness test. The result of this research is the necessary analysis on preliminary study. It shows that the civic material based on PBL is needed in the teaching learning process as a companion book. The validation result in product development trials indicates appropriateness. In the effectiveness experiment shows that there are differences and get it if the development between pre-test and posttest in the experiment class is more than control class. Therefore, the teaching material civic education is highly effective to improve the civic knowledge of students. 


civic knowledge; PBL; civic education

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