Teacher’s Voice on Metacognitive Strategy Based Instruction using Audio Visual Aids for Listening
Salasiah Salasiah, Muh. Yunus, Khairil Khairil
The paper primarily stresses on exploring the teacher’s voice toward metacognitive strategy based instruction using audio-visual aid for listening. The metacognitive strategy model applied in the study was inspired from Vandergrift and Tafaghodtari (2010) instructional model. Thus it is modified in the procedure and applied with audio-visual aids for improving listening comprehension. The research setting was at SMA Negeri 2 Parepare, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia, and the sample of research was teacher of English at tenth grade at SMAN 2. The data was collected using in depth interview during the research and analyzed using qualitative analysis. The result of data showed that this strategy assisted the teacher in teaching listening comprehension as the procedure has systematic steps that encourage students’ critical thinking on learning listening. Also, applying metacognitive strategy with audiovisual aids eases the teacher to grab students’ comprehension in listening.
Audio-visual aids; Listening comprehension; Metacognitive strategy; Teacher’s voice; Teaching instruction
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Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn) ISSN: 2089-9823, e-ISSN 2302-9277 Published by Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama (IPMU) in collaboration with the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) .
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